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Holmium Laser Lithotripsy

Holmium laser lithotripsy is a method for using lasers to remove stones that are located in the urinary tract. This could include stones in the bladder, kidneys, ureters (tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder), or urethra (tube through which urine leaves the body). A flexible laser fiber is inserted through the urethra to break up the stones. The procedure is completed without any incisions.

Compared to extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, holmium laser lithotripsy has been shown to reduce the chance of complications and has been shown to be effective for a patient with multiple stones.

Holmium laser lithotripsy requires general anesthesia, this is because the procedure is more advanced and invasive than shock wave lithotripsy and is reserved for certain cases.

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$ 3,799 USD

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The patient undestands that every medical procedure comes with an inherent risk, any complication during the surgery may generate additional costs.

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Procedure: 1 - 2 hrs.
Hospital stay: 1 Night
Cleared to fly: 3 days
Go back to work: 4 days


  • Reduce the chance of complications
  • Reduces the risk of infection
  • More effective for a patient with multiple stones

We Offer

  • High-quality materials
  • Up to date equipment
  • Bilingual attention

After surgery

For several hours after the procedure you may have a burning feeling when you urinate. You may feel the urge to go even if you don't need to. This feeling should go away within a day. Drinking a lot of water can help.

Your doctor also may advise you to take medicine to numb the burning, and antibiotics to prevent an infection.

You may have some blood in your urine for 2 or 3 days.

Your doctor may have placed a stent. It may help the stone fragments pass through your body.

Most stone fragments that are not removed will pass out of the body within 24 hours. But sometimes it can take many weeks.

Rest as much as you need to after you go home.

You may do your regular activities. But avoid hard exercise or sports for about a week or until there is no blood in your urine.

You can eat your normal diet after lithotripsy.

Continue to drink plenty of fluids. If you have kidney, heart, or liver disease and have to limit fluids, talk with your doctor before you increase the amount of fluids you drink.

Disclaimer: This information does not reflect the medical advice from our clinics. All cases are different and this treatment may not suit you. Always refer to a medical professional with the certification and experience. All of our physicians are fully qualified to perform these procedures. For more information and diagnosis contact one of our top specialized clinics.

In all medical procedures, there are chances of complications, the specialist will provide you detailed information about the risks of the procedure, talk to the specialist directly.

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